Monday, February 9, 2015

The Fresno Connection to the Maltese Falcon

The March SJSinC meeting will be a part of the Fresno County Library Big Read for 2015.  

This year the celebrated book is The Maltese Falcon by Dashiell Hammett.  

Warren Harris will speak on “The Fresno Connection.”  As with most great detective fiction there is a real life basis for at least one character in the book; Fresno was a base of operations for the notorious Midget Bandit – the flesh and blood basis of Wilmer ‘the gunsel’ Cook.  Join us on Saturday, March 14 at 10:00 a.m. as Warren Harris shares his love of pulp fiction and the investigation of historical mysteries.

Speaker Bio:

Freelance author and pulp magazine historian Warren Harris has had the usual occupations for a writer including covering crime and courts for the Las Vegas SUN and other newspapers, conning the gullible as a telephone psychic, helping run a family business, assembling kits to ward off space aliens, working as a temp in a mortuary and running office equipment on the graveyard shift.

A long-time member of the Pulp Era Amateur Press Society, while not reading and collecting pulp fiction he specializes in investigating historical mysteries with pulp fiction connections.

The Midget Bandit articles online.

Here's a brand new post on the Midget Bandit with some breaking information by a Portland crime writer who is helping me out with some

And here's the start of Midget Bandit week over at Don Herron's site:

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