Sunday, January 3, 2016

Report on Our First Meeting of 2016

Unfortunately, our much anticipated speaker didn't show up. (Later learned, he was called in early for a planned surgery.)

So what was to be done? Vice-President Terrence MacArthur entertained us with tales of the stories he's sold lately: a horror story, a ghost love story on Love Boat, a vampire on the comedy club.

Jeanne Yamamoto gave a run-down on the Clovis Book Club including some of the guest authors who've come and visited. (Sunny Frazier and Marilyn Meredith did a duo there once, and despite a big rainstorm, a record number of members came.)

Terrence, who is a librarian, then told us how he became a mystery writer. He entered a writing contest while he was teaching titled "I Could Do it Myself but I Won't." He won in his category. The rest of the winners were student who got to read their entries aloud. Terrence's story was a bit too gruesome for tender young ears the powers-that-be decided. His talk was delightfully hilariousn.

Marilyn Meredith was given the opportunity to tell a bit about her two latest books, Not as it Seems and Violent Departures. She also was asked to tell about the time when she was only 10 and came home to find blood on the floor and in the sink, steaks cooking in the broiler, and no one at home. She was sure her family had been murdered. Ask her about it the next time you see her.

Jeanne then asked some questions of the audience and we learned:

16 members were born in California, and 8 of those were born in Fresno.

4 were born in Chicago, 1 in Detroit and 1 in Arkansas.

5 members worked in law enforcement at one time.

4 librarians.

8 of the attendees are writers.

3 of the original members were in attendance.

Despite our missing speaker, we all had a great time.

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